How is Metal Ceramic Coating Done in Our Experts Oral and Dental Health Clinic?
A crown is applied to the teeth when there is subgingival decay, root canal treatment, or when there is a lot of material loss in the teeth or when the teeth are broken. There are two types of crowns. Metal and metal-free crown. Metal crowns are mainly used in posterior areas due to their gray reflections from the gum line and their opacity. Metal-free porcelain restorations are often called aesthetic porcelain.
Natural teeth allow light to pass through. Metal-based porcelain reflects light, destroying the feeling of depth and liveliness. However, today, very thin metal-based porcelain is ideal, especially for back areas. Metal-based porcelain is more economical than other porcelains.
How are Metal Ceramic Coatings Applied in Our Experts Oral and Dental Clinic?
1 stage: After the decision to apply a metal-ceramic crown is made during the first examination at our Specialists Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, the teeth will be cut under local anesthesia, measurements will be taken and a temporary crown will be applied. Next, the color of the ceramic is determined to match your tooth.
Stage 2: Then the second phase of the session takes place. Specialists are more accommodating in the Oral and Dental Health Clinic, but this can be missed for our patients at short notice.
Stage 3: In the third stage at Experts Dental Clinic, the finished zirconium crown is processed with anatomical, biological compatibility and functional integrity.